Alien Skin Exposure X3 是一款Mac平台的Photoshop模拟胶片效果调色滤镜,但各种胶片效果的处理,一般技术水平的人还是要费很大的功夫。如何高效地使用PS成为众多摄影师需要考虑的问题。而Photoshop胶片滤镜正是为摄影师解决难题的最佳方案,能够迅速将照片调出各种胶片效果,如电影胶片、宝丽来胶片效果、波拉潘胶片效果、富士胶片效果、柯达胶片效果等等,多达25类,数百种胶片效果。
[Alien Skin Exposure X3 在 官网上售价149美元,约合人民币 900元]
Alien Skin Exposure X3 for Mac 介绍
The legendary effects plug-in is now an award-winning photo editor and organizer.
Introducing Exposure X3, the advanced non-destructive RAW editor that enables you to easily create beautiful images and master your entire workflow.
Fast performance, powerful organizing tools, and unmatched creative editing make Exposure the only app you need to quickly transform your photos into works of art.
Use Exposure as a complete photo editor to master your full workflow, or as a Lightroom or Photoshop plug-in for your creative edits.
Exposure has hundreds of presets that provide beautiful looks for your photos. Use them unmodified or customize them to express your individual style.
Exposure is the only RAW editor designed from the ground up for accurate film emulation and gorgeous creative photo effects.
Over 500 presets emulate iconic analog films, ranging from vintage Daguerreotype to modern portrait films like Kodak Portra. Lo-fi, faded, and cross processing looks go beyond film, offering tasteful effects. You can customize each one, and blend multiple presets using Exposure’s non-destructive layering and brushing tools. View all of Exposure’s presets on our presets page.
Gorgeous Editing
Exposure provides all the tools you need to create beautiful images. Hundreds of tasteful presets, extensive retouching tools, non-destructive layering, and gorgeous special effects make Exposure the only product you need to finish your work.
Customizable Effects
Customize every detail in your images with Exposure’s advanced creative tools. Here are just a few of the possibilities:
- Brush on creative effects and use radial and linear tools for a seamless blend
- Stack multiple presets and adjustments with nondestructive layering
- Refine your portraits with responsive retouching tools
Beautiful Presets
Over 500 beautiful presets include accurate film emulations that breathe life into your photos. Simulate iconic color or B&W film looks, and explore new creative styles. Customize each one and save as your own preset.
Uninterrupted Creativity
Exposure speeds you into the creative editing zone and keeps you there. It has all the tools you need to create gorgeous images and organize your photos, so you don’t need to rely on multiple products to finish your images. Accomplish all of your work in a single, intuitive user interface.
Lighting-fast Organization
Cruise through your workload using Exposure’s fast, intuitive tools.
Instant Access
Insert your camera card and begin culling and editing while your images are copying in the background. No waiting on slow imports.
Intuitive Management
Exposure’s organizing tools give you the power you need, without the hassle or complications of slow catalogs. Exposure uses the same folder structure as your computer, so you’ll feel at home using Exposure to organize your files.
Efficient Organizing
Keywords, collections, tagging, and rating help you quickly find your best images and keep your library organized.
Featured Photographers
Today’s best photographers use Exposure to deliver beautiful images to their clients.
Exposure X3 is the culmination of 25 years of experience creating award-winning image editing apps.
Exposure combines cutting-edge creative tools, stunning special effects, powerful organizing tools, and intuitive design into a fast, reliable RAW editor and organizer.
- Complete RAW photo editor
- Photoshop and Lightroom plugin support included
- Blackandwhite processing
- Nondestructive layers
- Keywords and collections
- Virtual copies
- Selective adjustments
- Portrait retouching
- 500+ customizable presets
What’s New in Alien Skin Exposure X3
- Release notes not available at the time of this post.
Alien Skin Exposure X3 for Mac 下载
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