
ZED for Mac v1.0 英文原生


“Untangling memories gradually and compellingly reveals the story and various character twists. By the end you will have a sense of the highs and lows and the amazing risks that buffet an artist’s life. Recollections are often fickle, but here the fragments come together in a most convincing way. ZED’s triumphs and tragedy will not be easy to forget.”
4 stars – Adventure Gamers

“Zed is very good at environmental storytelling: it hints, teases, and shows, rather than outright telling the player what’s happening”
9.1/10 – GeekWire

“... It is a riveting, emotional story that will leave chills down your spine.”
9.5/10 – Air Entertainment



ZED首次在PC上亮相(Oculus Rift和HTC Vive提供了可选的VR支持),是一次超现实的旅行,有一个意想不到的叙事,在充满幻想、支离破碎的土地上展开。跨越了遗憾、和解和救赎,这是一个苦乐参半的故事,既有深刻的个人色彩,也不可否认的普遍性。

ZED是与传奇游戏《Myst》和《Riven》创作者的新出版部门Cyan Ventures合作发布的,它是Chuck Carter的愿景,Chuck Carters是原版《Myst》背后团队的一员。该游戏由Joe Fielder(《生化危机无限》、《火焰与洪水》)和David Chen(《金属装备固体》系列、《纳可西斯》)共同创作,资深电子游戏配音演员Stephen Russell(《小偷与辐射》系列)也为游戏带来了精彩的表演。

ZED for Mac v1.0 破解版 第一人称冒险解谜游戏

ZED for Mac v1.0 破解版 第一人称冒险解谜游戏

ZED for Mac v1.0 破解版 第一人称冒险解谜游戏

ZED for Mac v1.0 破解版 第一人称冒险解谜游戏

ZED for Mac v1.0 破解版 第一人称冒险解谜游戏
